Mara Cuja

Artist | Julia Iskenius

I’m painting since i can hold a pen. There was always a need to express my feelings, thoughts and ideas. I adore to illustrate, but even more to express dramatically on big canvas. On little formats i often experience claustrophobia.

I studied Modern Japan and Informationscience at HHU Düsseldorf, Germany and live currently in the very near of Berlin.

Polaroid Frame
Passion fruit watercolor elements clipart
Passion fruit hand drawn watercolor painting

My Canvas

Acryl | Fine Art | Classic

I’m facinated by animals as motive. But recently i find great joy to paint human faces in a theatrical way, surrounded by objects, which fit in a symbolic, strange or just random way.

What i’m intersted in is to paint in a classical fine way with realistic aspects without losing my own hand print.

Gold Vintage Frame Cutout

My Illustration

Gouache Illustration

Watercolor Illustration

Pencil Illustration


contact me

If there is something you want to get paint or you want to exhibit my canvas, please feel free to contact me.

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